Friday, November 25, 2011

Snicker-doodles has been four months since the last time I blogged. I got a new job in August, working for school nutrition (yes, this does mean I am a cafeteria lady). While I truly miss teaching music, this has also been an excellent experience for me. I recently was given the sole pleasure of cookie making for the cafeteria. I say "sole" because my boss (smug grin) is absolutely incapable of NOT burning the cookies. I did try to tell him they were done.....but yeah. In any case, in the midst of all that cookie making, I have somewhat neglected my own cookie jar.
This week, it came to my attention that my little boy needed to bake cookies as part of earning his Bear Badge for Cub Scouts. We pondered our choices and he selected Snicker-doodles. Snicker-doodles have been a holiday tradition in my family for as long as I remember. After all, what is not to love about tangy, chewy shortbread-like cookies, crusted in crunchy sugar and cinnamon?
I have taken the liberty of modifying the recipe to "veganize" it, but no one will be the wiser; I promise.


1 cup Crisco Butter-flavored shortening or non-dairy margarine
1 1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup Nasoya Silken Tofu

2 3/4 cups flour
2 teaspoons cream of tartar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt

Cream the first three ingredients. Beat in cream of tartar, baking soda, and salt. Thoroughly mix in flour.

Form 1 inch balls with your hands and roll in a mixture of cinnamon and sugar (2 tablespoons cinnamon to 3 tablespoons sugar). Bake for 8 minutes on 350.

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